Graphic Design Trends – 2014

1) Infographics – Gone are the days when information was served to you in thick books with small fonts & never ending text which left you yawning. Infographics is the best thing happened to mankind, probably after cheeseburger! And it’s here to stay!

beer, information, infographics, design, graphics, icons, pictograms

Designed by : Pop Chart Labs

2) Monochrome – This is a darn good news for colourblind folks out there. Yes, black & white (and greys) have always been the favourite for the contrast it offers as well as billions of bucks color printing that it saves!

black, white, graphics, restaurant, design

Designed by : WishBox Studio

3) Geometric – I know you throw up when I say trigonometry or isosceles triangle (what the hell is that btw!), but yes, geometry in its Bauhaus glory is ruling. You may not need to know the above mentioned French sounding terms to design though!

geometry, bauhaus, graphic, yellow, white, design, print, poster

Designed by : Albert Exergian

4) Retro – we all loved the polkas and the flower-power, it’s back and how! With Instagram spreading retro love and turning every smart phone owner practically an amateur photographer it’s not going anywhere for a while. Not to forget the old movie tickets & snazzy cabaret posters, *Oh, how we love them!*

Nicole Tan's "Mustard Cards."

Nicole Tan’s “Mustard Cards.”

5) Hand written – There are certain people who can’t hold a pen but for those who can and love to scribble and doodle, this is your chance to shine. Hand-written is the in thing!

handwritten, graphics, design,

from the blog “welivedhappilyeverafter”

6) Illustrated – Illustrations are all over social media, diaries, gift tags, bags, shoes…everywhere!

graphics, design, illustration, sanitation, wishbox studio

Designed by : WishBox Studio

7) Flat – Finally the world is going flat, yeah, it’s not round anymore. Throw out those gradients and 3d effects, they don’t work anymore.

flat, icon, pictogram, wishbox, studio, graphic, design, information

Designed By : WishBox Studio

8) more visual fewer words – Let’s just say, the less you write the better it is.

IBM, smart, planet, sustainable, green , design, visual, language,

IBM Smarter Planet Campaign

click here to view entire campaign.

Why Good Design is Good Investment?

1. CREATE IMPRESSION You get one twentieth of a second to create an impression through your website . Almost 90% of the potential clients you meet will never call you back as the first impression you left with your business card was anything but memorable. What’s missing? yes you guessed it right, a kickass design!

2. HIGH RECALL VALUE Which was the last advertisement you saw, or a business card? Are you still drooling over the last iPhone app you saw? You tend to remember well designed stuff. Good design is that which offers high recall value and often its the simplest.

3. GET GOOD RETURNS A study suggests that if you invest 100$ on good design your return of investment is 400$, doesn’t it all make good business sense?

4. CUT THE CLUTTER  In today’s world a person is exposed to a whopping 3000 – 5000 marketing messages in a day, A well designed and well conceptualised marketing/promotional message instantly get your attention.

BUILDS TRUST Good design helps build trust. For example you visit 100’s of e-com websites each day, you tend to transact on websites which are clean and interactive. 

